Janel and Doyle Ashburn have a small farm near Selinsgrove which Janel, a true animal lover, began filling with unloved, unwanted pets and farm animals. Sons Jett and Caleb enjoyed the animals, too, while Janel was becoming more and more disenchanted with her stressful job as a trauma nurse. She noted that the only time she was truly at peace was with her sons and the animals. Janel researched Animal Assisted Therapy and talked to people offering dog and horse therapy to children and adults with special physical or emotional needs. Ashburn’s Animals on a Mission, LLC was created. Their activities and therapy include a wide variety of animals on their farm and also at public and private events. Appearing for many years at the People’s Choice Festival, Ashburn’s Animals on a Mission are here again with a petting zoo and pony rides. Any funds raised go to support their animal care and therapy. Be sure to visit them in Centre Court for some furry fun and photo ops.